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Monday, February 27, 2006

The 3 risks of China.

These are mainly in 3 strategic areas :

First, Understanding as to what is their strategic superpower intentions as a country vis-a-vis the developed nations like the US and others. To me, it is absolutely clear about their long term intentions. There is no rocket science here.

Second, the absence of a democratic system right from the grass-roots level upwards. Democracy cannot be driven from Beijing downwards in a top-down fashion, it has to work upwards in a messy slow fashion (like India.)

Third, absence of accurate, reliable, verifiable information as regards their economic and other business indicators as also absence of free market legal, banking and other financial market systems.

India has a lot to learn and emulate from China.

Perhaps our horrible physical infrastructure vis-a-vis China can be a lever for a long term strategic advantage in the IT usage space ? An introductory thought on the same here.


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