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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Business-Over-Heated Mumbai's Real Estate Market

What would Warren Buffet think ?

For the last two days, the local Media has been reporting the sharp jump in Real Estate Prices. Approximately Rs 380 Million Per Acre or USD 8.50 Million $ Per Acre for the NTC Mill Land in Lower Parel, Mumbai - The Biggest Realty Deal in India.

I also know of Real Estate Deals in Mumbai's suburbs where the rates have varied between USD 12 - 17 Million $ Per Acre.

Just last month, Warren Buffet (one of the richest men in the US/World) mentioned about the Real Estate Bubble in the US and how he sold a house whose land value fetched him about USD 60 Million $ Per Acre.

Considering the USD - INR Currency Exchange Rate and also accounting for PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) between the two currencies, if Warren Buffet feels that US real estate prices are high, what would be his thoughts on the Mumbai Real Estate prices of USD 8.50 Million - 17 Million $ Per Acre ?

It would be interesting, surely.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Rains or Technology ?

I write this blog as I watch Mumbai's first 2005 Monsoon Showers hit the City on a Saturday afternoon.

A year back, I had wondered - What does India need most " Water or Technology ? "

Suffering the sweltering Mumbai heat, for most people the answer was " Rains,Really."

Enjoy them !

Friday, June 17, 2005

It has been my long standing humble viewpoint that MBA programs need drastic overhauling on a global basis.

Harvard Business Review has published an article last month titled How Business Schools Lost Their Way .

A copy of the article has been kindly emailed to me by Ben Casnocha. (

Plain Vanilla MBA programs in their current shape and form are dead.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Andrew Grove, Ex-Chief of Intel in a latest interview to Economic Times, talks about how Outsourcing is just a minor blip on the forthcoming Strategic Inflection Points on the World Economy and especially the USA.