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Friday, August 19, 2005

Quality Education is the Oxygen of the Global Knowledge Economy.

My 5i Factors provide an overview perspective of Education In India.

You may find it useful.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The New Meaning of Inc ?

Most Large US Companies have 'Inc' meaning 'Incorporated' as part of their name.

Considering the strategic importance many US Business organizations have for India and China makes one wonder as to whether the 'Inc' in their company name is an acronym for 'INdia' and 'China' respectively.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

When will Bill Gates start a weblog ?

Last night, saw a snippet of Microsoft Chief Bill Gates's TV Interview with Indian TV Business News Channel CNBC TV 18 where he was asked as to when he would start his weblog.

He mentioned that all his public talks were hosted on the Microsoft website with a facility to receive email alerts for new content.

He also said that the key issue in creating weblogs was meeting the expectations of potential readers with fresh lively content.

Once his current tight time schedule permitted him to do so on a regular basis, he would do so.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Independent India - Now A Senior Citizen ?

On the occasion of the 58th Independence Day Anniversary today, can Independent India now call itself a Senior Citizen ?

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Solution to Mumbai's problems ?

Major Points made at the AGNI Meeting Last Sunday (7th August 2005).

1.0 - Authorities must be held accountable and must apologize to Mumbaikars for the 26th July Man-Made Murders and the Mess.

2.0 - It was not only Mumbai but other cities in Maharashtra that suffered great damage.

3.0 - No Co-ordination between different government agencies even at this stage.

4.0 - Relief Material Distribution is happening on political grounds.

5.0 - Just as the 1992 Harshad Mehta scam led to the formation of SEBI and the regulation of the financial markets, hopefully, this crisis would also have a silver lining in the future.

6.0 - It was just a co-incidence that the 26th July cloudburst was over Santacruz and hence the Met Department (which measures rainfall at Colaba and Santacruz only) measured 944 mm of rain. It is possible that past years may have even received more rain in diffferent parts of the city which the Met Department was not able to measure.

7.0 - Tinakar Committee Report of 1994 had described the Governnment of Maharashtra
in 9 words - " For the Builder, By the Builder, Of the Builder".

8.0 - Tax benefits must not only be given to the Builders but also to People. More than 1/3rd Population lives on Ground Floor and 10 lac families were affected.

9.0 - The governance of the different institutions managing the city and it's processes need a drastic overhaul.

10.0 - The whole of Mumbai is paying the price for the regularisation and condonement of irregular policies, practices done in the name of the poor.

11.0 - Disaster Management Plans must be done from the Ground Level ALM upwards and not in a Top-Down Fashion from Mantralaya.

Friday, August 05, 2005

India FDI in Retail - Should we emulate China ?

Someone emailed a link suggesting that India should emulate China in their FDI Retail Policy.

WALMART would be the biggest contributor (and gainer) of FDI in India.

China has welcomed WALMART in their Retail Sector.

However they have laid down certain restrictions for FDI in Retail.

Should India follow all of China's policies ?

My viewpoint is that India and China are two entirely different countries with different development agendas and differing economic, social and cultural systems.

We need not emulate China in all their strategies, especially Retail - FDI.

When it comes to WALMART, Indian policy makers should see the long term spin-off benefits for the economy, India's inefficient supply chains and value-subtracting middle men.

India needs to make sure that it's common man - Aam Aadmi (Hindi Translation) gets the benefit of Walmart's Every Day Low Pricing Strategy which has been reported to have been responsible for US inflation figures to be kept under control for the last many years.

As suggested by Mckinsey, WALMART is also reported to have had substantial impact on the US Economy's Productivity figures.

Do we have to protect our perhaps Million PLus Retail Traders or should we look after the best interests of India's Billion Plus Population ?

You decide.