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Friday, September 23, 2005

An Entrepreneur's Reflections.

Two decades ago, on 23rd September 1985, Kaytek Computer Services Private Limited was incorporated in Mumbai.

The then Prime Minister (late Mr. Rajiv Gandhi) had announced a New Computer and IT Policy in India. IT and Software seemed to be the future industry of India.

Back from the US with only about nine months of experience with Tata Burroughs Ltd, (changed to Tata Infotech Limited and now a part of Tata Consultancy Services) ; I decided to start Kaytek.

Zero Revenues, Zero Employees but Infinite Optimism and Confidence.

20 years later, it has been a hectic tough entrepreneurial roller coaster bumpy journey (like Mumbai's potholes).

Of 7 day weeks, 16 hour working days and non-existent holidays.

Backed by an Excellent team and A patient understanding family support system.

The backbone for most entrepreneurs who are usually passionoid. (They combine Passion with a touch of being paranoid).

I was (am) no different.

Looking ahead, twenty years hence ; what do I see ?

Drastic Organizational and Business Changes driven by Technology.

A Fundamental Shift in Power from the West to Asia.

An even greater shift from Organizations to Individuals.

India at the Center Stage of the World's Knowledge and Services Economy during the next 20 years should hopefully be far more exciting than the past 2 decades.

Do stay (thoughtfully) tuned !

Thursday, September 15, 2005

101 Top Technology Solutions

I came across a useful article titled 101 Top Tech Solutions here.

Since usually, there is a time lag between the US and India in implementing technology solutions, some of the ideas could be useful in the Indian context.