2 questions to ask for a China Strategy.
Many organizations are considering setting up shop in China either via a 'Captive' Mode or via a 'Contractual Arrangement'. These 2 questions must be asked.
1.0 - Does China have an IPR (Intellectual Property Right) Legal Framework in place ? How effective is the same in a 'Contracting Situation' ? Are there any positive and negative experiences ?
2.0 - In the case of a 'Captive' Model, are there any general Chinese conditionalities attached for foreign (non Chinese owned) companies or does it depend on each unique negotiated situation in every specific local province ? (Since the local officials have strongly delegated powers).
Also, An Indian automobile industry executive has posted his China experiences here.
It may be useful to first time Indian manufacturing background visitors there.
Many organizations are considering setting up shop in China either via a 'Captive' Mode or via a 'Contractual Arrangement'. These 2 questions must be asked.
1.0 - Does China have an IPR (Intellectual Property Right) Legal Framework in place ? How effective is the same in a 'Contracting Situation' ? Are there any positive and negative experiences ?
2.0 - In the case of a 'Captive' Model, are there any general Chinese conditionalities attached for foreign (non Chinese owned) companies or does it depend on each unique negotiated situation in every specific local province ? (Since the local officials have strongly delegated powers).
Also, An Indian automobile industry executive has posted his China experiences here.
It may be useful to first time Indian manufacturing background visitors there.