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- Mumbai ( Bombay ), India.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

We have met the enemy and he is us...

Having just returned from a visit to Cooper and VN Hospitals and having witnessed first hand the bloody carnage that Mumbai has again been subject too, one can only say that " we have met the enemy and he is us.."

Why us ?

It is our lethargy as individuals and as a nation that has contributed to this state of affairs.

Just look at the sequence of tragedies since the last few days.

Mumbai gets crippled by rains the whole of last week.

A Prime Minister who is perceived to be 'weak' , threatens to resign last week, triggering a wave of uncertainity for the entire nation.

In a neighbouring town, there is violence directed against the state police.

A statue gets desecrated on Sunday and India's premier business city starts burning with rioters all over the town.

On Sunday, India's showpiece nuclear warhead Agni III missle flops miserably after promising to target Beijing and Shanghai in it's geographic range.

On Monday, India's heaviest satellite GSLV plunges into the Bay of Bengal.

On Tuesday, Srinagar gets 6 and Mumbai gets 8 carefully planned strategically executed bomb blasts.

Who is the enemy ?

It is us.

It is you and me who along with one billion plus other Indians have contributed to this state of affairs.

Via our indifference and lethargy.

So we have no one to blame but ourselves.