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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

SAP finally plunges into the ASP space

As mentioned on this page a year ago, SAP has finally taken the plunge in the ASP (Application Service Provider) space with the launch of it's hosted CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software solution a few days ago.

With it's move, SAP has clearly recognized the impact of Salesforce's business model on the ERP market.

Like the unravelling of the Rubik's cube, the SAP-ASP Jigsaw Puzzle is finally falling in place.

Not too long, before SAP follows the ASP route for the rest of it's application modules other than CRM.

Maybe, today's Valentine Day could be the beginning of SAP's love affair with the ASP market.

Also, makes it particularly easy that the 3 characters S-A-P are just A-S-P re-arranged !!


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