Kaytek® Website - Basic Technical Information |
In case any of the website pages are not visible properly in an aesthetic manner in the desired font (Verdana and Arial) size and shape, you are kindly requested to either upgrade your Browser and/or change the Screen Resolution Settings as follows : (On Windows Desktop -> Right-Click -> Properties -> Display Properties - Settings -> Screen Area - 800 By 600 Pixels -> Apply -> OK -> Close Dialog Box - Upper- Right Hand Corner - Click 'X') ). The website has NOT been tested for other browsers (Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox,etc) and certain pages may not display aesthetically. Also, For lower versions (less than 6.0 ) of Microsoft Internet Explorer IE, certain pages of the website are currently NOT displaying properly. We apologize for the same and will try to correct the same in the future. We would appreciate all feedback regarding any display-related problemss at the link below (along with your Browser Name and Version) which will be duly acknowledged. It uses simple HTML with minimal graphics. Your time is precious to us. The objective is to try and communicate information quickly in a simple manner. We shall try to update the website on a regular basis. We would appreciate if you could visit us regularly. We would even more welcome your thoughts as regards this website. For your kind information, any feedback you provide goes Straight to our Director's Email Inbox. It is accepted without Filtering and digested without Fear or Fury. Your Time Is Precious. Your Thoughts Even More. Kindly do send us your feedback as convenient. We thank you in advance for the same. |