The 'ERP Career Pyramid' is an easy visual for understanding the order and importance of the different types of ERP careers. ERP Career Paths can be visualised As a Pyramid. Technical Careers at the Bottom as a Foundation. As a Starting Point. Functional Careers at the Next Layer above the Technical Careers. Industry/Business Specialist Careers At The Peak. What is 'Technical' ? Knowledge has 6 dimensions - What, Why, When, How, Where, and Who. |
You May Click On the Areas Above to explore further. The 'computerisation' software part - how software works internally - the Know-How dimension, represents the 'Technical' Knowledge. What is 'Functional' ? The functionality working part of what is getting computerised e.g. in the case of an Accounts Module of an ERP Software ; the Accounts Books, Vouchers, Ledgers and what it does for the user - the Know-What dimension is 'Functional' knowledge. As One Moves Up the Pyramid, Business and Functional Knowledge usually become more important, Technical Knowledge Less so. |
However, there are also examples of Excellent Technologists who have created Their Industry / Business Specialist Domain Expertise on a strong platform of their Technical Skills. Also, Inter-Personal Communication, Team-Work, Presentation Skills, The Ability To Sell One's Ideas are more important Up the Career Pyramid Hierarchy. Since the Pyramid ultimately rests on a Base of Technical Skills supplemented by Functional Skills in the Middle, these skillsets obviously have strategic importance. All ERP Careers sucessfully lie within the above Pyramid. |