Down Arrow Web Based Purchase Ordering Software Using Oracle Cloud Application Express (Apex) Platform
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Web Based Purchase Ordering Software Using Oracle Cloud Application Express Apex Platform
Supplier Purchase Systems Help In .....Kaytek Offerings help you Cut CostsCutting Costs & Kaytek Satisfy Stakeholders Satisfying Stakeholders.

Down Arrow Internet Web Based Purchase Ordering & Invoicing System

For one of our Global Japanese Multinational Trading Customers, Kaytek created an Internet Web Based Based Supplier Purchase Ordering & Invoicing System on the ORACLE APEX - Application Express - PAAS (Platform As a Service) - Cloud Computing platform.

This organization is currently maintaining their Ordering & Invoicing Information using spreadsheets and were finding it difficult to match multiple orders to multiple invoices.

Their requirement was for a simple software solution preferably accessible via the Internet that could help them replace their current spreadsheets.

Down Arrow Software Modules

The current software demonstration version has the following modules :

Down Arrow Masters

Gray Arrow Supplier Information
Gray Arrow Currency Information
Gray Arrow Part Information

Down Arrow Transactions

Gray Arrow Supplier Purchase Orders
Gray Arrow Supplier Purchase Invoices
Gray Arrow Purchase Orders & Invoices Matching

Down Arrow Queries

Gray Arrow Supplier Order Status - Parts Wise - All
Gray Arrow Supplier Order Status - Parts Wise - Not / Partly / Fully Closed

Gray Arrow Supplier Order Status - Supplier Wise - All
Gray Arrow Supplier Order Status - Supplier Wise - Not / Partly / Fully Closed

Down Arrow Queries - Orders & Invoices

Gray Arrow Supplier Orders Matched Against Invoices

Down Arrow Software Features

Gray Arrow Developed using ORACLE APPLICATION EXPRESS (APEX) Web Development Tool with a rich Browser based Graphical User Interface (GUI) and a strong secure data storage foundation of ORACLE RDBMS Software. Oracle APEX is an example of Platform As A Service - PAAS Model of Cloud Computing.

Gray Arrow Simple Logical Solution to easily move to the next stage beyond spreadsheet based Ordering & Invoicing for multiple users in multiple locations.

Gray Arrow Both Intranet (Internally Hosted) and Internet (Externally Hosted) Options are possible.

Gray Arrow Multiple Supplier Purchase Orders can be linked to Multiple Supplier Invoices.

Gray Arrow Flexible Hosting & Deployment Cost Options available.

Gray Arrow Scalable Solution for Long Term Global Requirements.

Gray Arrow Customized Business & Technical Support Options Available.

Down Arrow Proposed Transaction / Workflow

The Proposed Transaction Flow that is visualized in the usage of the above software is as follows :

Down Arrow Masters

Gray Arrow Supplier Information - Create Supplier Code & Name

Gray Arrow Currency Information - Create Currency Code & Name

Gray Arrow Part Information - Create Part Code, Part Name & Part Specifications

Down Arrow Transactions - Purchase Orders

Gray Arrow Create Supplier Purchase Order for A Supplier for Some Parts

Gray Arrow View 'Not Closed' Part Status & 'Not Closed' Order Status

Gray Arrow View Parts - Part Value & Pending Value

Gray Arrow View Purchase Orders - Total Value & Pending Value

Gray Arrow View Queries pertaining to above Purchase Order

Down Arrow Transactions - Purchase Invoices

Gray Arrow Create Supplier Purchase Invoice for the Same Supplier & Same Parts (Some or All Parts)

Gray Arrow View 'Not Matched' Part Status & 'Not Matched' Order Status Gray Arrow View Parts - Part Value & Unmatched Value.

Gray Arrow View Purchase Invoices - Total Value & Unmatched Value.

Gray Arrow Match the invoiced parts & corresponding quantities entered in the above Purchase Invoices to the Created Purchase for some parts and quantities.

At any / every stage of matching, to check the Purchase Order Status & Purchase Invoice Status as shown above.

Gray Arrow Query - Supplier Orders Matched Against Invoices

Gray Arrow For more information on the above, kindly contact us appropriately.