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Earnings Or Learnings ? ...

What should be one's focus ?

Benefit From Gray Arrow A Kaytek Career Consulting Perspective

Down Arrow Earnings Or Learnings ?

One Key Career Question often asked by job seekers is

" Should I concentrate on 'Earnings' or 'Learnings' " ?

Our Answer is 'Both'.

Leverage Knowledge And Technology

There is really no dichotomy between Earnings and Learnings.

Both are related to each other.

The only difference between Earnings and Learnings is the Alphabet 'L'.

Where 'L' is the Link between the words 'Earnings' and 'Learnings'.

It is also the Link between the Business Earnings and the Techology Learnings both for you and your organization.

Leverage Knowledge And Technology

Ultimately, your earnings are a sub-set of the business benefits that your organization gets from your services to customers or other stakeholders.

Your services help your organization to increase incomes, cut costs and satisfy stakeholders.

Hint : A simple Rule to possibly follow is to perhaps demonstrate that you will deliver value equal to 3 Times or more benefits than your costs to the Organization.

Leverage Knowledge And Technology

Gray Arrow The Bottomline : Focus on improving your relevant learnings to help increase your and your organization's earnings.

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Updated on 1st January 2013.
Posted on 16th May 2005.

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