(including Mumbai) electoral records |
Note prepared by Kaytek Director - Mr. Mahesh Khatri on how to check your name in the electoral records. Important - Ensure that you are using Microsoft's Internet Explorer Browser (in my case Version 6.0). Please note that those of you who are using Firefox browser may not be able to do the same as the downloads use Microsoft technologies as it may not work with the same. These are the steps to be followed (Numbered from 1.0 to 6.0 below) 1.0 - Visit this the link to the Chief Electoral Officer's website. 2.0 - The website will display a screen titled " Voter List Help Line Prepared by Chief Electoral Office, Maharashtra State " where in which you have to enter your district as follows : 2.1 - In case your residence as per electoral records is in Mumbai city, select 'Mumbai city'. OR 2.2 - In case your residence as per electoral records is in Mumbai suburbs', select 'Mumbai suburban' OR any other district as relevant. Thanks to AGNI (Action for Good Governance and Networking in India ) for their efforts in providing the links above. |
3.0 - After selecting the desired District in the List above, click "GO" to get search page for that district. This website will prompt you to download some contents. This download contains Devnagri fonts used for displaying search results in Marathi. Press YES to download the contents to see the results properly, as this download will install the required font onto your machine. 4.0 - In case you have entered 'Mumbai suburban' in 2.2 above, the website takes you this page. 5.0 - Enter your Data (Surname, Firstname, Father / Husband / Mother's Name) in the fields shown below as follows (instructions on website): 5.1 - Type your Surname in first textbox, First name in the second textbox. First name may not be complete, you can type partial name also. 5.2 - Type Father/Husband/Mother's name in the third textbox. 5.3 - Select your electoral assembly (e.g. '38-VileParle') and click on 'Search' Button. It is the 3rd top link from top on the list. Matching names (in Devnagari - Marathi / Hindi) are displayed in the result window with the following data : 5.3.1 - LAC (Local Assembly Constituency) No 5.3.2 - (Electoral) Part No 5.3.3 - Serial Number 5.3.4 - Name 5.3.5 - Relation (either Father / Husband / Mother) 5.3.6 - Relative's Name 5.3.7 - Sex 5.3.8 - Age are displayed. Please note that the information may not always be upto date. If so, kindly visit the FAQ link mentioned at the end of this note for further assistance. 6.0 - In case you want to repeat Steps as in Point 5, click on the 'Reset' Button below the 'Search' Button. The above steps have worked on 31st January 2007. In case they do not work, kindly let us know using the feedback link at the bottom of the page. |
Please also find the following Help text from their website : Keyboard and Typing information The name you are searching for should be typed using English language only. Use of following tips will help you find the name in a much faster way : 1. Type surname first. It should be complete. 2. First name should be after one space after surname. 3. Father / Husband / Mother's name must be entered in the second column. It gives fast search and accurate search. 4. If you are not able to find the name please try some combination of characters e.g. 'u' instead of 'oo' 'i' instead of 'ee'. 5. Try typing First name then Surname if you are not able to search the name or if Surname is not available. 6. Try typing extra 'a' in words to avoid confusion as 'sh' differs from 'sah'. In Indian scripts there are many vowels like this. To avoid confusion, type name clearly. Earlier post on the Mumbai JVPD (Juhu Vile Parle Development) North West ALM (Advanced Locality Management) website. FAQ prepared by Chief Electoral Officer, Government of Maharashtra. |