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Brief Overview Analysis and Critique of

SEI (Software Engineering Institute's)

CMMI Appraisal Method - SCAMPI

" Can an organization claim a High SEI CMMI

Level Rating at all it's locations ? "

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Gray Arrow Question-2 : Can an organization claim to have a high SEI CMMI Level Rating at all it's locations ?

Down Arrow Answer

Crucial is the scope of the software company being assessed - whether it is the complete organization or only specific parts of the organization.

The SCAMPI Version 1.1's Method Definition Document states that the scope has to be clearly defined both as regards the Internal Organization being appraised and the scope of the CMMI Model Coverage.

Down Arrow Page 26

...... The Scope of Organization to be appraised (Actual Projects or Programs that will participate) as well as the Scope within the CMMI Model (Process Areas) must be defined and agreed to. ......

Also, this paragraph elaborates further on the Organizational Appraisal Scope and the Types of Evidence to be verifed by the SCAMPI Appraisal Team :

Down Arrow Page 70

...... Clearly, a broadly defined organizational unit (eg a multinational enterprise) will require collecting and analysing

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Down Arrow Page 79 further states as follows :

significantly more objective evidence than a narrowly defined organizational unit (eg. a specific product line within a specific business unit at a single geographical location). .......

...... Scope of the appraisal is defined in terms of

(a) The Portion of CMMI Model that will be investigated

(b) Bounds of the organization unit for which the Results can be considered valid (Project, Product Line, An Operating Division, A Business unit, An Entire Global Enterprise).

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