One of the most important Skillsets that one can possess in today's Global Economy is the Knowledge of Excellent Oral and Written Communication Skills in English.
This knowledge is important since countries are becoming globally integrated and coupled with each other at all levels - cultural, social and trade and business.
This integration can only happen when the language spoken is the same.
As per the International Publication ECONOMIST, India has multiple languages. Out of these, English is the only Language understood all over India.
Importance Of English For Software Development
Since English is the Universal Language of Global Business, it natural that it has assumed great importance for the Software industry. Besides helping easily communicate with others, Key Learnings and Concepts in the technical areas of Software Design and Development assume good knowledge of English.
Spoken & Written English is the universal bridge for the understanding of Business Requirements and Creation Of Technical software requirements. The Understanding of Nouns & Verbs in these English Business Requirements Documents help in translating the same into Software Objects in the fields of Object Oriented Software Analysis & Design (OOA / OOD) techniques.
Kaytek has been working on proprietary tools and technologies that are useful for creation of correct and efficient object Oriented software requirements as well as standardized Business / IT Process templates based on English language concepts.
These techniques have been used to easily use knowledge of Simple Written and Spoken English to map & translate Business Requirements to Software Construction as well as capture business knowledge in different domains using standard Business Process templates. For more details, kindly email using the link at the bottom of the page.
20 - 25 % of the World speaks and writes English.
On the Web, the big winner will be English.
English Is the Killer Application.