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As an Existing SAP User, Can I Switch to

A SAP Functional Consulting Career ?

Functional Careers in SAP - A Perspective

Benefit From Gray Arrow Kaytek SAP Career Consulting Insights

Down Arrow Existing SAP Users seeking Functional Consulting Careers

As one of the top ERP software packages globally, SAP provides it's users with tremendous career opportunities once they gain sufficient working experience & expertise on any of it's functional modules.

We know of several SAP experienced functional executives who have moved horizontally across industries (in one case from an Airline Company to a FMCG Manufacturer to a Travel Company and then to a Heavy Infrastructure Company ) only on the basis of their SAP functional knowledge and implementation success within their respective organizations.

We have also questioned earlier this movement of Knowledge Capital that happens in an organization after it's initial ERP implementation milestones are successfully completed.

We would always suggest to SAP Users to try and exploit opportunities within the organization itself before looking outside.

In these times of volatility and economic slowdown, it makes sense to look for opportunities in improving SAP Utilization & the quality of the SAP implementation within your organization itself.

There are always opportunities to use SAP (or any other software for that matter) to achieve these 3 business / organizational objectives :

Kaytek Offerings help you Cut CostsCutting Costs

Kaytek Offerings help you Raise Revenues Raising Revenues

..... Kaytek Offerings help you Satisfy Stakeholders Satisfying Stakeholders

Capitalize on the same whenever & wherever possible in your work place.

Your contributions & achievements in your existing SAP implementation will definitely help not only your organization but also your own career graph.

Some qestions to ask yourself as a SAP User :

Are you involved with the SAP implementation project within your company ?

If so, in what role ?

If not, why not ?

Your present organization is your best learning ground for SAP.

If you cannot grab the SAP opportunity within your own organization, what makes you think that it would be easy in some other organization ?

The existing levels of automation in an organization, the work culture, organizational top management & political support are all important factors that determine your success as a SAP User.

Down Arrow Some important issues to consider :

Gray Arrow Organizational Sponsorship for Employees.

Gray Arrow Highlight Your Project Experience.

Gray Arrow How has SAP helped Your Organization ?

Gray Arrow Gaining Organizational Independent Generic Knowledge.

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Updated on 27th January 2009
Created on 14th March 2005
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