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- Mumbai ( Bombay ), India.

Mumbai's Civic Issues and Problems

Suggestions for LACC and ALM Workings - 2

MCGM and Role of NPO's / NGO's

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Down Arrow Part 2 Of Suggestions To Improve functioning of ALM's (Advanced Locality Management) in Mumbai

Gray Arrow All partnerships between MCGM (Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai) on one hand and NGO (Non Governmental Organizations) / NPO's (Non Political Organizations) on the other hand must be made to first work at an experimental level at one ward

Consider the simple charts as shown below.

Down Arrow Chart - 4 - BMC (MCGM) Organization Structure with NGO's at Ward Level.

Kaytek Suggestions for improving ALM functioning - Chart 4

Down Arrow Chart - 5 - NGO Structure with Ward Level Representation.

Kaytek Suggestions for improving ALM functioning - Chart 5

and then based on the experiences of the same, replicate to other wards.

Gray Arrow Communication about capabilities of NGO's at ward level (Chart 4) must be communicated to LACC's and ALM's for dissemination to their residents.

Gray Arrow Communication about Capabilities of NGO's operating across whole of Mumbai (Chart 5) (.e.g AGNI) with their different areas of specialization must be available at all ward level constituents - ALM's, Ward Officers and Councillors.

Gray Arrow Information about the NGO's has to be categorized both on their areas of specialization and concentration of physical presence in the different wards to make their workings more effective in their interactions with MCGM.

Their Capabilities must be researched and understood at the following levels :

Gray Arrow Ward-Level Capabilities and Physical Presence. (Refer to Chart 5)

Gray Arrow Depth of Specialization in Specific Issues (.e.g Rainwater Harvesting).

Detailed Questionnaires must be submitted to NGO's and their responses audited, verified and results posted on websites mentioned above.

Gray Arrow Part 1 Of Suggestions.

Gray Arrow Next - ALM's Geographic Unit, Legal Structure and Funding.

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Updated on 27th January 2010.
Created on 6th February 2006.
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