SAP Platform Operations & Systems Administration Consider the software layers within the IT Box. SAP is at the Standard Software layer. It lies above the Operating System Layer & below the Customized Software Layer. SAP Platform Operations & Systems Administration career opportunities are within the scope of the Hardware & Operating System Layers. The Computing & Communications Hardware required to run SAP operations in an organization can become very complex. SAP IT Infrastructures (SAP System Landscapes) need a great deal of design, planning & monitoring to execute effectively. People managing IT Infrastructures either as Systems Administrators, IT or EDP Incharge Personnel |
Systems Engineers, Hardware Maintenance and Technical Engineers with Knowledge of Hardware, Operating Systems and Networks etc can perhaps consider Careers in SAP Platform Operations and Administration. Skillsets are desirable in these areas. SAP Platform Operations skills would be similar to that of a Driver of the organization's SAP Vehicle. Since these are mainly Live Operations Oriented Types of Careers, a Strong Software Exposure may not be essential, though it is always useful. This link which gives thoughts on moving from IT Operations to Software would also be useful. As an example of jobs in SAP Platform operations, consider specialized careers in SAP's Data Archiving Solutions. |
People with good SAP Basis Knowledge can move deeper into SAP with exposure to it's Data Archiving technologies as a logical complement. From a career point of view, it provides the opportunity to organizations with deeper and more mature SAP implementations (probably large Fortune 500 companies) since they tend to use SAP's Data Archiving Solutions more than the others. Also, it provides an automatic base for a possible future career switch or SAP consulting opportunity with smaller SAP customer organizations. On the flip side, it ties a person further down to SAP's technologies more closer. Some people prefer working with different ERP vendor technologies to get a broader industry perspective. |