Organization Before going in for an ERP |
What business (or businesses ) are you in currently and over the next 3 years ? What are your strengths, weaknesses in technology utilization as compared to your peers & competitors & other industry players in your sector ? Have ERP Solutions been successful in your Industry or Business Sector ? If Yes, Where and Why ? If No, Where and Why ? What are your ERP Objectives ? |
How will you use ERP to help your organization achieve it's 3 business objectives of : Raising Revenues / Increasing Incomes ? Cutting Costs / Eliminating Expenses ? Satisfying Internal and External Stakeholders - Owners, Customers, Suppliers, Employees, Regulators and others ? Have the above objectives been adequately quantified ? Have you looked at the standard off the shelf ERP software solutions already available in the market ? What is the existing status of your computerisation programme in terms of your current existing manual / automated systems ? What systems have been already automated ? What has been the degree of integration between these systems ? |
Will the manual systems be computerised as it is or would the manual systems be suitably modified / changed to take advantage of the efficiencies to suit in the manner suggested by the ERP software ? Have the detailed system-wise work flows, screen / report formats, detailed software requirements been finalised ? What is the business growth rate expected over the next few years ? What are current and future business opportunities and constraints ? |