Down Arrow How can we help ?

By virtue of Kaytek's strong IT background and a comprehensive cross-functional holistic approach to business opportunities, we believe in a Research Backed, Systems & Process Driven, Structured Long-term, Low-Cost approach to all marketing activities.

Kaytek believes that Marketing is more Science than an art.

We can help you & your organization conquer your target markets with a systematic long term focussed and execution driven disciplined approach with our actionable ideas, inputs & insights.

We prefer to work with customers who are passionate & who seek global dominance via products & service offerings excellence in their chosen market segments.

In case you are serious about building a long term brand presence in India and are committed to product & service excellence, you may find us as a thought partner vauable to your business.

Our passion & profits linked to productivity improvement adds value to your marketing efforts. We can strive to help you in the following ways :

Gray Arrow Strategize on your unique brand & product positioning strategy for the Indian market; leveraging your existing strengths & creating a market position that you can protect, sustain and grow profitably..

Gray Arrow Design all derivative aspects of strategy - marketing (both online - Web Mobile & offline), advertising, legal, manpower, regulatory, competitive, production, sourcing, support and channels.

Down Arrow Our Core Belief

Statutory Warning : Our Marketing Pitch Follows.

It could be perhaps profitable for your organisation's health.

Our Belief is in

Gray Arrow Leveraged,

gray arrow Aggressive n Attractive,

gray arrow Lifelong, Low cost,

gray arrow Communications, Concepts, Consultancy for

gray arrow High

gray arrow Impact, Image, Income

in the marketplace.

gray arrow Build a long term profitable franchisee & channel business model customized for both organized & unorganized retail markets in India.

gray arrow Be an extension of 'eyes' & 'ears' in the Indian market place and help you collate valuable market intelligence, competitive activities and other ground zero happenings.

Down Arrow Are You Wasting Money On Marketing ? - An International Expert's View

" Most companies spend 50 % more than they should on getting their products off the shelves. We (nearly) all spend too much on marketing " as per Internationally Acclaimed Strategic Marketing Consultant John Frazer Robinson.

Down Arrow Our Thoughts & Work

gray arrow Itching to Enter India ? India as a Market.

Gray Arrow New ! Brand as an organization's Intangible asset. We offer brand valuation services as per the ISO 10668 International standard suitably tailored for your organization based on our proprietary work & contemporary Brand valuation strategies based on global finance experts.

Gray arrow Markets come before the rest of the organizational resources : square separator Men and women square separator Methods square separator Money square separator Materials square separator Mortar brick square separator Machines square separator Messages

Gray Arrow Our Perspectives on Strategy

Gray Arrow Heritage Furniture Retail Outlet in Mumbai.

Gray Arrow Branded Jewellery Retailing In India.