Our Perspectives & Writings on various areas of business & technology
Area Management
The Way Ahead In Uncertain Times...
Egoless Execution...
19th June 04...
How Knowledge Gaps Multiply Mistakes...
Many Minor Mistakes Minimise Margins...
10th May 04...
Area Offshoring
Real-Time Information Movements across LInked Networks in Global Organizations...
Ring-A-Ring-A-Roses-Real-Time-Relay Organizations...
4th December 04 ...
Indian Industry's Focus on IT Offshoring, BPO and Dr. C.K. Prahalad's Bottom of The Pyramid (BOP)...
IT Hurts At The Bottom Of The Pyramid...
4th November 04
Moving your Mountain of Business Processes Offshore...
Ready To Move Your Process Pyramid ?...
11th June 04...
Indian Democratic Elections and Offshore Outsourcing...
Thursday The Thirteenth's Three Thunderous Hours...
25th May 04...
Key Outsourcing Learning from Google's "No Middlemen" Strategy...
Giant's Omni-Presence Over The Globe...
4th May 04
Shell Awarding India's Largest (1 Billion US $) IT Offshore Outsourcing Contract...
Saturday Slumber Surely Shell-Shocked..
1st May 04...
Area Technology
What is more important ? Water Or Technology ? You Decide...
Regular Rains Than Technology...
13th May 04...
Area Web
How Information Technology (IT) is flowing through the Gigantic Internet Pipe across the Globe...
Planet's Pervasive Pipe...
17th July 04...