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" How To Move A Mountain Offshore "

Offshoring Musings, Thoughts & Insights...!

Benefit From Gray Arrow Kaytek Business Consulting Perspectives

11th June 2004.

Ready To Move Your Process Pyramid ?

Gray Arrow What is the Process Pyramid ?

It indicates the Hierarchy of Business Information Processes that exist in every organization.

For example, every organization has an accounting process.

Every hospital has a patient registration process.

At the local shopping mall, there is a Check-Out Process.

And so on.

Within An Organization, Processes are structured as a Pyramid.

Top-Layer Processes Resting on the Foundational Processes below.

This is the Process-Pyramid.

Each process of the Process Pyramid has the following P's :

People. The Most Important P.

Phones. Paper - Documents & Reports. And the last Set Of P's. PC's. Peripherals (Like Printers, Scanners etc). Pocket Devices (like PalmTop, etc) ... (Perhaps Possibly linked to (Each Other) and To the Internet.)

The above Process P's make up the Process Pyramid.

You cannot miss this Process Pyramid in any organization or work that you do.

Offsourcing Business Imperatives demand that every organization take a critical look at it's Process Pyramid.

And move them if required.

To make the processes within the Process Pyramid Better. Faster. Cheaper.

Pyramids usually are not easily moveable.

However, for today's Amoeba-Like Organizations, the P's of the Process-Pyramid are most Mobile

Phones . People. Their PC's, Peripherals, Pocket Devices. Paper.

Moving any of the above P's makes the Process mobile automatically.

Just like Magic.

Thanks to the Internet Technology Enabled Offsourcing, Moving Modern Day Process Pyramids was never so easier.

Mahesh Khatri.

Disclaimer : These are my viewpoints, my organization may or may not endorse them partly or fully. All trademarks and service marks acknowledged globally. External Links checked for existence at the time of posting.

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