Save & Make Money Our Personalized Confidential Mentoring Services help you achieve your business goals in :
Raising Revenues Cutting Costs Satisfying Stakeholders
Overall Mentoring Perspectives & Experiences
Strategic Confidential Entrepreneur Coaching & Mentoring Services
Based on our experiences with entrepreneurs and senior management executives, we have confidential Mentoring & Coaching Interactions with Interested Entrepreneurs in various facets of managing their organizational and inter-personal conflicts and issues.
These private one to one individual counselling sessions help entrepreneurs in getting independent valuable professional perspectives.
In case you are interested in initiating a dialogue with our Consulting Director on the same, kindly email using the link at the bottom of the page. All personal interactions email exchanges will be strictly confidential between us & you.
Half Day Structured Training Program For Entrepreneurs To Help Them Understand Digital Business Opportunites and Challenges.
Ready for the New Organization ?
Weblogs - Overall ERP 
Musings - (Insights-N-Ideas)
Weblog - Why Indian Entrepreneurs need Professional Mentoring and Consulting.
International Finance Corporation (IFC) Focus Group In India - Interactions
Kaytek Consulting Director Participated in a Focus Group Meeting organized by IFC - International Finance Corporation, Washington in Mumbai on Entrepreneurship and Technical Education Development across Value Chains of four industry sectors in India.
There were Information Communications Technology (ICT), Automotive Components Manufacturing, Retail and Agriculture Based Businesses.
Extensive Interactions were held via Email between Kaytek Consulting Director & IFC representative on further detailing of strategies on the above sectors.
Entrepreneur's Feedback
IT - Hardware & Software
Online advisory interactions with IT solution providers entrepreneurs on AI (Artificial Intelligence), automation of accounting operations, cyber-security, malware prevention strategies amongst others.
How is the Internet impacting your Business ?
Thoughts on Scalability, Growth & Financing Issues for IT & Software Entrepreneurs.
Cloud Computing For Startups.
IT-Industry ERP Software Future and Trends.
Technology Software Sections.
Regular Interactions on Offshoring, Global IT Products & Services Strategies with Entrepreneurs.
Experienced Functional Executives switching to Careers in Information Technology - Software.
Want to switch to SAP?
Mentoring for UK British Council Chevening Scholarship Selection of IT professionals from India.
E-Commerce Ventures
Business plan discussions, competitive strategy study and software architecture advisory services for online pharmacy players.
Angel funding evaluation and advisory services for online lingerie brand.
E-Commerce Web Site Hardware Sizing Estimation for 1 Million Hourly Transactions.
Provided Extensive Technology & Commercial Inputs, Business Model Validations & Website Portal Development Services to a US wholesaler for setting up a B2C (Business To Consumer) E-Commerce Portal. Some more details here.
Technology Transition Advisory Services for a fast growing E-Commerce Food Delivery Services Venture in Mumbai.
Automotive / Auto Components
Evaluation of business plan for angel fund raising by LIDAR (Light Detection & Ranging) Sensor solution provider for Autonomous Vehicles.
Advisory on angel investment in Electric Vehicle (EV) Battery manufacturer.
Mentoring and consultancy for Auto Component Manufacturing Units in India in the areas of :
Shifting from Legacy Information Systems to ERP - SAP Area.
Dr. C.K. Prahalad's - Bottom Of Pyramid (BOP) Lessons for the Auto-Component Manufacturing Industry.
Family Businesses
Online advisory interactions with entrepreneurs using online social media platforms such as Whatsapp, Twitter & Linkedin. These are on various topics of interest such as AI (Artificial Intelligence), cyber-security, Demonetisation, GST, global macro economics, India / China / US geo-political & economic strategy amongst others.
Online advisory interactions with entrepreneurs on setting up divisionalized operations, company wide compensation plans and growth strategies without equity dilution.
Kaytek Consulting Director has conceptualized proprietary frameworks that help understand key issues confronting family owned, managed and controlled businesses.
These are in the following areas :
Articulation of Family and Individual Mission, Vision & Values.
Understanding The Inherent Challenges of Expectations Management in Family Businesses.
Evolution of Solutions To Help Solve Structural Family Business Problems.
Design of Management Accounting Systems For Family Businesses.
Weblog - Guruji Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Advice.
Financial Services
Online advisory interactions with entrepreneurs on the Aadhar platform in India.
Informal Technology and Business Interactions & Insight Exchanges for Mutual Fund Distributors & Independent Financial Advisors in India.
For one private equity company, we helped them question the feasilbility of several million dollars of obsolete IT resources that one of their CRO (Clinical Research Organization) Portfolio company was proposing which helped save money.
Suggestions for Portfolio Companies of Private Equity & Venture Capitalists.
Suggestions for Microfinance Entrepreneurs.
Hospitality, Tourism & Travel
Brief Strategic Insights To Financial Services Entrepreneur Diversifying Into Local Travel Agency Business in India.
Brief Strategic Discussions & Business Model Review of a Global Travel Portal.
Independent Review of 3 Star Hotel Website & Agent Portal in Dubai, UAE.
Periodic Strategic Business & Technology Consulting Inputs provided to the Owner Manager of a 5 Star Hotel in Mumbai, India.
Brief Feasibility Overview Study for setting up Service Apartments in Mumbai for a New York, USA based Investor.
Real Estate & Retail
Technology and Solution Architecture Consulting For Real Estate & Hospitality Group's Integrated Information Requirements.
Extensive Business Model Validations and Consulting Inputs provided to High Net Worth Investors and Property Owners for a proposed High End Gated Community Weekend Home Project near Mumbai.
Our Retail Consulting Section.
Mentoring and Educating Retail Entrepreneurs on Strategy, Marketing, Software, Technology and Web.
Women Entrepreneurs
Women Entrepreneurs - Mentoring & Guidance Civic Activist Freelance Marketing Communications Professional